

Personal Information and Private Data
We do not collect any personal information in our apps or on our website. We do not have access to content you create in our apps or to data you import into our apps. Your work is your information. There is no backend server that gets any kind of data from our apps. The developer is not interested in user data and the business model is not based on user data. However, some of our apps does use third party services, that may collect some private data.
Third Party Services
Our apps and the website may contain links to other sites or products and we are not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices of other companies. When linking to another company, you should read that company’s privacy policy.
Apple Services
The sync feature allows you to store information in your own iCloud account. Apple iCloud can store any private data from our apps to sync and backup. Using iCloud means that your information is no longer only on one device but accessible from multiple places. Multiple access points can make your information more accessible and therefore, more vulnerable. If someone knew your Apple ID or your iCloud username/password, they might be able to access your data and information.

Our apps uses Apple analytics service to get crash logs so that the developer can fix bugs. Anonymous statistics for example about a certain crash that happens often on a certain device kind after a certain action is provided to the developer which helps finding the bug and fixing the crash. Apple analytics also provide data about how many users visited our store pages, how many users went on and download our app, how many remained active over time and other not personalized data. You can allow or deny to share the analytics data in the iOS settings.

Also, our apps uses Apple services to process purchases through the iTunes App Store.

Apple Privacy Policy

Apple Approach to Privacy

iCloud Security Overview

For any questions or concerns, please contact us via
